About Lonnie Mullet

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My Story

My executive coaching approach comes my experience as an educator and systems therapist.  I help executives think one level up from their current problem or goal focused perspective. Helping people navigate their thinking and walking alongside them to pursue them has defined my career. 

Most of us have some dissatisfaction with our work. We just need to do something about it. For example, with focus could you become a better driver even after having years of experience?  Most people can. However, we often let past success dictate our current driving behavior. The same tends to be true in our work life.  We continue to use the same process we used five years ago unless we encounter some pain point.

Guiding executives to begin exploring their thinking and behaviors brings excitement and a bit of discomfort.  Walking this knife's edge usually allows for real leadership growth. Reach out by phone or email to see if we could be a good match for working together.

My Mission

Helping executives lead change in their organizations always starts but never ends with a leader. Discovering a path forward works best through collaboration with your colleagues. Workplaces and co-workers play a massive role in our overall sense of well-being. And having our best efforts tangled up in an outdated process creates misery for everyone.

Due to shifting societal and market demands, the outside pressures arrive sooner than most organizations expect. 

How do you get your team to see this?  How do you build a vision and consensus to follow? Consider letting me help you do that by reaching out for a consultation and discussing changes in your workplace.  

I am here for you.

Collaboration sets me apart from others in the executive coaching industry.  After being a therapist for nearly twenty years, there's not many topics that knock me out of my chair. I enjoy taking part in discussions about real challenges not talking about hypothetical scenarios. I coach executives through unique challenges and guide them into thinking in new ways about engaging their coworkers. Most of all, my coaching clients really enjoy talking about how their own behaviors changes led to improved relationship dynamics for their teams.

My clients often discusses their wins and challenges. This may include taking an intentional even scripted approach to difficult conversations or  becoming more disciplined about employee check-ins.  Sometimes, we may focus on using active listening strategies learned in coaching or more laser focused career developmental conversations.

Collaborating with your team and discovering new ways to empower them unleashes what many executives find out to be untapped leadership potential. 

Setting aside time for executive coaching provides you a future focused orientation not driven by whatever crisis may be occurring today.  Imagine how well you could operate with dedicated coaching time outside of crisis management.

Reach out to me today!

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