"I Help Leaders Apply New Thinking to Challenges"

You might benefit from my coaching approach if....

You feel a need to reinvent yourself professionally to meet the challenges of your business.

You struggle to keep key employees engaged as you chart a new way to lead your organization.

You need buy in from those beside you and maybe support from those above you to effectively run your team.

You see changes that need to be made but struggle to identify existing duties you can shift to someone else.  

Your team or current allies struggle to understand the subtext of what you want to do.   

You have been given the task of blending or creating a new team with new directives. 

The leadership approach modeled for you doesn't match your own guiding principles. You need to stay true to your values.

You have the skills and will to lead but need confidence to approach with the best chance of success. 

You want to engage your team so that you can develop comprehensive and workable strategies.

Finally, you need to develop more effective leadership skills for your team to have success.

If some of these statements fit, then we may be a good working match for leadership coaching.  Start by emailing and asking for a complementary meet and greet video conference meeting. 

Executives, elevate your team without changing your personality.

Deliver and inspire sustainable change. 
Empower and equip your star performers. 
Refine your unique leadership traits.

Watch this free executive coaching video.

What is in this
Free Video?

Be The Change You Want

Lead by actively requesting feedback

Be Curious About Your Team

Develop and retain your team members

What You Didn't Learn From Your Supervisor

Model transparency and accountability

So Who Am I?

I'm Lonnie Mullet, an executive coach and licensed therapist turned Clini-Coach®!

I've worked for almost twenty years as a therapist and small business owner with my own team.  I've helped hundreds of people through the change process, coached private practice startups and group practice owners, as well as executives. 

I help executives get clarity and lead change.  For many, this means understanding their strengths and how to sharpen them.  It's a move away from simply managing processes and towards developing and coaching others.   

Team members may hold to the mantra, 'we've always done it that way."  This complacency can be dangerous in a competitive market.  Watch this video to discover how to skillfully turn yourself and your team toward success. 

Let's connect online and get started!

New Client Orientation

New Coaching Client Forms

New Coaching Client Forms

If you are new, please feel free to fill out these background forms before the first consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

View commonly asked questions related to executive coaching with us, and coaching in general. Your active participation and dedication is crucial to your success.

Payments & Scheduling

Payments & Scheduling

Most of the time the work we will do together will be driven by proposals as this sets the scope for your expected contributions as well as the contributions from my team.